Make a dog house easily from pallets!

As you surely know, dog is man’s best friend. For this reason, he also deserves a beautiful home. But often purchasing a dog house is cost prohibitive. So why not make one yourself Dog house And even using simple materials like pallets;

So your dog deserves the best, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune. So learn. How to easily make your own dog house out of pallets!

Easy DIY Pallet Dog House!

Step No. 1gave: Build walls

Dog house wall

First, you need to build the frame for the house, i.e. the walls. So you will need to make 4 sides. The first thing you need to do is to make them Modification of pallets So that you can adjust them to your desired size. The number of pallets you will need depends on the size of the house and therefore the size of your dog. Chances are you’ll need to cut some pieces from the pallets with a saw Home. Keep the remaining pieces because if they fit together they will form the other side of the wall. On one long side of the parallelogram, place 1-2 less wood because we want the house to lean.

See also: How to turn a pallet into a miniature garden!

Step 2gave: Connect to walls.

doghouse skeleton

After your 4 sides are ready you need to pin them so they join. Since the 2 large sides of the rectangle you made are unequal, the two smaller ones must be sawed so that they also have a slope. After doing this your skeleton is now ready and should look like the picture above.

Also Read: How To Make Cute And Weird Dog Houses!

Step 3gave: Create a door

There should be a door on the highest side of the house. The size of the opening will again depend on its size. Dog you However, you should not make the opening too big, because then the cold will enter the house in the winter. Once you have decided the dimensions keeping the above in mind, cut them out. wood With a saw to create the opening.

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Step 4gave: Build the floor and roof

Pallet dog house

For the roof and floor you will need Waterproof Newness. It is very important that the material is waterproof because you definitely don’t want your dog to get wet. So measure the dimensions of the floor between the walls, cut a piece of the same size and fix it with nails. Cut a piece slightly larger than the floor for the roof. Attach it to the top of the house and the roof will slope to drain water when it rains.

See also: Easy DIY constructions with bricks for the garden!

Step 5gave: Varnish the house.

Wooden dog house pallets

And not damaged by moisture Wood construction You can get by with one Protective varnish To save him. If you still want to give a personal touch, you can write her name with paint. Pets at the door of the house. Now your dog house is ready!

Also see: 5 Basic Mistakes We Make When Painting Furniture!

So you don’t need a lot of money to show your dog your love. Using as few pallets and your tools as you can Make it yourself A warm home for your four-legged friend.

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